Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby 1

Nicole Elaine's 100 Baby Challenge
Baby Uno
"Hi! I'm Nicole Elaine Marshall Family of 6. I have a big family, my twin sister Marina, mom and dad, my adopted sister and my brother which we don't know where he is. Ive always wanted a big family like my mom, so Im starting the 100 Baby Challenge! Urmm, but first I guess I kinda have to move out of my parents house..."
                         My parents wanted me to bring my little sister Brooklyn with me for a while til they get settled and try and find my brother Marcus. We havnt heard from him since he got his girlfriend pregnant in Highschool.
                                   We are off to the new beach house I bought.

                                                           *At the new house*
                          "What do you think Brooke? We even have a nursery with plenty of toys to play with!

                              Nicole puts Brooke down and she crawls right to her new toys!
Nicole makes some mac n' cheese for supper trying to gain skill to cook for her kids.
                                             "Yum! Just right!"
                              When Nicole got done eating she heard a loud cry for food from Brooke.
                             After Brooke ate she was extremely tired. Nicole put her to bed and went to sleep too.

                                            *The next morning*
                            Nicole gets up and makes the bed trying to figure out who will be daddy number one.
                                 Nicole feeds Brooke some breakfast. Oatmeal is Brooke's favorite!
                        Nicole cleans up the smelly  house and figures out who she wants baby one's dad to be, Sam Dreston her friendly neighbor!
                                    "Hey Sam it's Nicole. Can you come over later?"
                                   "After work I'll come over, so about 4 hours, Ok?"
                                   "Alrighty, see you later! Bye!"
                                    In the meantime Nicole wants to learn to play guitar.
                                  Nicole was so happy when she got to Level 3! She could'nt wait til she could play for
                                   tips to pay the bills and support her family.
                                       "Hey Nicole! I'll be over in a few!"

          "Hey Sam, how are you? So you know Im doing the 100 baby challenge right? Well
       I would like you to be baby one's dad!"  Nicole knew that Sam was very family oriented and friendly so she would be shocked if he said no!
                                    "Of  course I will!"
                                                Nicole gave Sam a thank you hug....
                                                   and kiss.
                                                Of to the bed they went!
                                   The next day Nicole spent some time with Brooke. It was her birthday today!
                                                     Nicole is almost done potty training Brooke!
                                               After she fed Brooke, Nicole felt the erge to puke!
                                           She quickly ran to the bathroom with morning sickness!
                                      Nicole called some people over for Brooklyn's birthday!

                       Since the word was getting around that she was the first in her town to do the 100 Baby Challenge she was getting a little famous. She hates paparazzi and tried to shoo him away.
           Nicole's sister and her kids got here first, she goofed of with her as she has always while growing up!
                            Sam came to the party and she told him she would call him when the baby was coming.
                                        Sam and Nicole have became great friends in such a short time.
                                                  Time for Brookes birthday!
                                                      "Make a wish!"
                                             Little Brooke loved the sparkles around her!
                                               Looks like it made her a bit loopy though!

                                  "Nicole, looks like we will be able to take Brooke home. We found out where Marcus is living, we also got his phone number! We called him and Liz answered he said they have been great and would come down anytime!"
                           "Thats great mom! Oh, and thanks for letting me keep Brooke we had a great time!"
"Mom and dad are letting you come home, I had a great time and you can come over any time!"
                              "Oh ok." Brooke cried. I love you Nicole, your the best! I'll surely miss you!" She gave her a big bear hug and said she loved her bunches!
             "Oh and Brooke, tomorrow for your Bday present Im bringing you to the salon to get a makeover!"
                                                    "Really??!!? Thank you so so so much!"
                     "No problem, now go to bed you have school tomorrow and then I'll bring you to the salon."
                            "Night!" said Brooke

                                           Nicole dismissed the mixoligist and went to bed.
                                       The next morning Nicole finally got a little baby bump!
                                              Nicole ate some breakfast and got ready.
            She then called her docter and asked how to speed up pregnancy. She said, "Just work out for a while and it will help. Good Luck!"
                                            Right arm.
                                             Left arm.
                                                  Left arm.
                                                  Right arm.
                                                           And jumping jacks.
                                             "Great work out!" Nicole thought wiping the sweat from her head.
                             Once Brooke got home from school she announced her pregnancy of baby 1!
                                       As they then headed to the salon. 
                                    Brooke rushed into the salon.
                                                  She already had everything planned out for her!
                                    She picked out her favorite dress and let out her long blonde hair. She was so happy she forgot that she was leaving to her parents tonight.
                            Nicole gave Brooke a big hug and told her she loved it. She payed for everything and headed to her parents to drop off Brooke.

                                          Once Nicole got home she took  a nice hot shower.
                         The next morning Nicole felt the baby kicking. She was so excited for baby one's arrival.
          She made some breakfast and got ready for the day. Later she wanted to go to the book store and buy a pregnancy book.
                                                 Off to the book store she went!
                                      She saw her sister at the book store and they both read with each other.
                                          Later at home Nicole gained some skill in guitar.

                              She went to bed hoping the baby would be welcomed into the world tomorrow.
                                                She woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain.
                                               The baby as on its way!
                                                She walked into the hospital while Sam was on his way! She was so excited and happy to have a supportive dad of baby 1!
 Later that early morning she came home with a beautiful baby boy named Chance!

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